Fire danger on the rise

Wetter weather can be deceiving, fire danger is still real

As of this writing and by most measures, fire danger in our communities is unusually high for this time of year. Western Washington’s abundant vegetation is getting sapped of its moisture rapidly, greatly increasing the risk of dangerous wildfires. Even if we get some rain, it’s important to remember that lighter fuels (such as grasses, bushes and small trees) may quickly green up with a little precipitation, but they’ll also get parched again just as fast. The same isn’t true for heavier fuels such as large trees. It took a long time to dry out the big timber to current moisture levels that are nearly as low as those of kiln-dried lumber, and it will take a lot of rain to rehydrate the trees. There is serious potential for catastrophic wildfires in our region this season and we urge you to do all you can to prevent and prepare for the possibilities.

Be Firewise

Prepare your home, your yard and your family for wildfire. Get tips on all of these topics at

Community Dinner

Our personnel are proud to join the Village Green pickleball players group as co-sponsors of the July community dinner again. The meal, which is held every second Friday at the Village Green Community Center in Kingston from 5 to 6:30 p.m., is free to anyone and everyone. Join us and meet some of your firefighters (and pickleball players)!


To Battalion Chief Ardyl Abrigo who will be moving to the day shift where he’ll serve in the vital role of Battalion Chief of Training and Safety. Lieutenant Mike Mock will be promoted to battalion chief, and replacing Abrigo as the head of C-Shift. Firefighter Reilly Williams is promoting to lieutenant and filling Mock’s vacancy on A-Shift!