Editorial-Rotary gets a huge boost

Generosity in the northern reaches of this county may just be the best thing about living here. That’s what members of the Poulsbo-North Kitsap Rotary must’ve been thinking earlier this week when the final tally for the group’s annual auction came in.

Generosity in the northern reaches of this county may just be the best thing about living here. That’s what members of the Poulsbo-North Kitsap Rotary must’ve been thinking earlier this week when the final tally for the group’s annual auction came in.

Due to the support of the entire community, the Rotary didn’t just have a good night — and thanks to everyone who participated — it’ll be having an awesome year as well. This is a great thing for everyone.

When the dust cleared April 26, the civic group, which has given not only to uncountable local causes but numerous abroad, had counted some $68,000 in proceeds. The amount is a testament that despite Washington’s economic slump, the good people of North Kitsap are still some of the most generous in the state.

The Herald is awed by this community more often than a child at a new playground. The people of this region inspire us daily and we are thankful for that fact. To think that the Rotary made more than one-third more than its lofty goal of $45,000 is a great feeling.

For us, it’s like stepping up to a swingset for the first time and getting a huge shove skyward. Thanks again. Nobody pushes for good causes like this community.
