Editorial-Looking forward to laundry day…

First and foremost, congratulations to the graduating seniors of 2003. You’ve all worked hard these past four or five years and deserve a little breather from pencils, books, teachers (their dirty looks) and the daily pressures of high school. We know that for a while it may have seemed that the world revolved around North Kitsap.

First and foremost, congratulations to the graduating seniors of 2003. You’ve all worked hard these past four or five years and deserve a little breather from pencils, books, teachers (their dirty looks) and the daily pressures of high school. We know that for a while it may have seemed that the world revolved around North Kitsap.

Soon enough you’ll realize how wrong you were and that, while NKHS and Spectrum provided you with the building blocks for life, you have to stir your own cement and put them together if you intend to make anything out of yourself.

Whether you’re off to college, junior college or working at a gas station and figuring out life, that one will hold true.

For those seeking higher education, you’ll find it. But remember college is just like everything else — it’s what you make of it. Cliché or not, it’s true.

Where were we? Ah yes, “Pomp and Circumstance.”

For many of you, the next big day after that first day of college is (drum roll please)… laundry day. Laundry day?

You’d better believe it.

Next year, many of you who head away from home for college will be missing all sorts of things you’ve grown accustomed to. Homecooked meals (or food in the fridge for that matter), personal space (roomies can be a handful), and last but not least, laundry day.

Oh, it’ll happen.You’ll come home for break, mom or dad will cook you up a good meal and surprise, surprise you’ll thank them by washing about three month’s worth of clothes and socks that have been in your dorm room closet so long they’re practically walking on their own.

Speaking of walking, as you take your first steps into the wide world, we hope you’ll take note that life isn’t about one big thing but rather it’s about bunch of little things.

Little things add up. Moments of time spent with friends, classmates, teachers, coaches, parents, siblings and alone have shaped who you are today. That’s what matters. Words of wisdom, hard lessons learned and obstacles overcome will continue helping you in the future.

With that knowledge (and clean socks) you can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to.
