Baccalaureate meeting scheduled

South Kitsap High School will host a public “Kitsap Four-Year Degree/Baccalaureate Research” program at 6:30 p.m. January 15 in the SKHS Library. The forum offers an overview of recent community research by the Kitsap County Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, and opportunities to discuss the possibility of establishing a four-year degree program in Kitsap County. Members of the League of Women Voters will facilitate the meeting, along with small group discussions about the recommendation for a university center in Kitsap County.

South Kitsap High School will host a public “Kitsap Four-Year Degree/Baccalaureate Research” program at 6:30 p.m. January 15 in the SKHS Library. The forum offers an overview of recent community research by the Kitsap County Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, and opportunities to discuss the possibility of establishing a four-year degree program in Kitsap County.

Members of the League of Women Voters will facilitate the meeting, along with small group discussions about the recommendation for a university center in Kitsap County.
