This year, why not vote for a change?

Just how happy are you?

Happy with ever-increasing property taxes?

Happy paying gas and road taxes but living with traffic congestion?

Happy having to put up with ferry service that is unreliable and expensive?

Happy with government agencies that make new rules every day to take away your property and individual rights?

Happy with schools that spend more time on political correctness than on basic education?

Happy seeing businesses leave because they can’t operate profitably because of regulation and taxes?

Happy our kids have to leave Kitsap County to find a job?

Happy that average people can’t afford to buy a home in the county?

Happy that the only employ-ment sector that gets automatic pay raises is government em-ployees?

Happy with a government that talked so much about having to cut services to balance the budget and then gave itself a nice pay raise?

If you’re happy, then go ahead and elect the same people back to office.

If you’re not happy with the way things are going, why not elect someone new?

The choice is yours, because the people you elect work for you.


