Supports Byrnes for 23rd District state House

Loretta Byrnes is precisely the fresh perspective that Olympia needs to address the many pressing issues facing our state.

Loretta Byrnes is precisely the fresh perspective that Olympia needs to address the many pressing issues facing our state.

More than 20 years of one-party control in the Legislature has led our state into the predicament we face today in our inability to fund basic education, maintain our roads and marine highways, and provide a skilled and qualified workforce for businesses in Washington.

It is time to elect someone with experience in policy analysis and performance management, as well as practical on-the-ground service in her community, to make government work more efficiently and effectively to serve the citizens of the 23rd Legislative District and of the state of Washington.

It is time to think differently about how we spend taxpayer dollars to ensure citizens get the services we need and want. The answer is not simply more taxes; the answer is also examining how money is used by the state.

Loretta has highlighted policies in education, transportation and workforce development where the status quo is not meeting the needs of citizens. Change is needed and the incumbent is not going to make those changes. New challenges and changing times call for new leadership.

Loretta Byrnes has the experience and qualifications to hit the ground running on the first day to look at not just the what, but the how of state government to improve policy and service. I hope you will join me in supporting Loretta Byrnes for the state House of Representatives.

Erin Richards

