Regarding the letter to the editor by David Simpson, “American fabric is under attack,” page A5, Dec. 9 North Kitsap Herald:
Please notify David Simpson that he is living in the dark ages!
With the exception of a few independent stations and papers, the media is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the rich. “His media” is not an arm of the progressives. Really, which media billionaire is Mr. Simpson referring to as a liberal or a progressive? Mr. Trump won partially because this so-called “progressive media” was so obsessed with him that they provided millions of dollars worth of free advertising for him.
The right or alt-right are not the victims they pretend to be, always picked on and persecuted. They finally succeeded but not by overcoming all the progressive media (the world heard the same type of talk from the Nazis in the 1930s). They and Mr. Trump won with the help of massive gerrymandering, huge voter suppression, and the actual votes of the Electoral College itself. They have literally subverted democracy. And please remember Mr. Trump actually lost the election itself by almost 3 million votes.
Progressives are not antithetical to Americanism, especially since it was a group of progressive white males who wrote our Constitution. The inalienable rights referred to are not granted by the Creator but described by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence.
Mr. Simpson is correct in at least one area: we do need a good two-party system back again — one that will support ALL the people, including those who are different. Integrity will finally be achieved when money-as-speech is overturned, as this is the source of the corruption and cronyism that he worries about.
Elizabeth Russell Kingston