Vote down levy
To the editor:
South Kitsap School District’s budgeting track record is shameful. Should you approve another levy costing $133 million for “enrichment” — $125 million would go to employee pay, perks and benefits. Just $8 million would go to kids. Cost to run this February levy is $125,000.
Prior levy train wrecks include:
*Community pool $8.7 million over budget. High school science labs $500,000 over budget. SKHS culinary arts building remodel $250,000 over budget. All those over budget by same contractor. And why wasn’t he replaced?
*SKSD board borrowed $2.1 million using non-voter approved bond that’s a 20-year term with interest accruing at term to $908,000. That $2 million chillier will cost us $3 million because the board was worried about depleting fund balance excess.
*41 $300 Chromebooks stolen from Manchester Elementary. No video cameras, yet “Big Buzz” is about great security at SKSD.
*Student learning statistics staggeringly unimpressive. Testing “at or above” grade levels. English, 50%; Math, 40%; and Science 45%.
*Hefty state and local education funding” up to $35.96 billion, an 89% increase; school administrators, up 95%; teachers and students, up 5%; and principals, up 10%.
You’ll need to keep a grip on your pocketbooks as the state legislature will likely increase property taxes up to 3%. Think of your school district tax three times higher! Same with South Kitsap Fire & Rescue’s bond passage rates—just a simple majority of 50% plus one to pass.
Vote no on SKSD Proposition 1.
Dave Kimble