High standards should be preserved

Knowing that the Central Kitsap High School yearbook staff finds itself in the position of having to accept a lower bid from a publisher that may not be able to meet its high standards, I offer this letter of support to advisor Sue Wachtman and co-editors Cody Brown and Tye Ford.

Knowing that the Central Kitsap High School yearbook staff finds itself in the position of having to accept a lower bid from a publisher that may not be able to meet its high standards, I offer this letter of support to advisor Sue Wachtman and co-editors Cody Brown and Tye Ford.

In putting out a quality product, working within its budget and paying for itself, having established a professional and educational relationship with its current publisher and giving the student staff invaluable experience in creating a yearbook of which all can be proud, it will be a shame if the district administration or a district administrator forces the advisor and staff to settle for less.

The efforts of editors Cody and Tye to challenge the district and fight for the quality program they have helped establish, the diligence in research and the maturity they’ve displayed should all be applauded. Hopefully the district personnel involved in making the final decision will honor the professionalism displayed and allow the current relationship with its publisher to be maintained.

Quality, fiscal responsibility, great customer service relationship and educational opportunities with the publisher and professional guidance from a dedicated advisor … it would be a shame to have those positives brushed aside. What would then be the value of hard work, high standards and perseverance?


Central Kitsap High School