Can we wave it too much?

Is it possible to wave the flag too much? Provided, of course, that you wave it with integrity. Is it possible to study Lincoln or Shakespeare too much? Is it possible to read the Bible too much? I believe not. These are great examples of inspiration and strength. We are not waving our flag enough. Not nearly enough.

American flag

Is it possible to wave the flag too much? Provided, of course, that you wave it with integrity. Is it possible to study Lincoln or Shakespeare too much? Is it possible to read the Bible too much? I believe not. These are great examples of inspiration and strength. We are not waving our flag enough. Not nearly enough.

It seems to me that we may be timid or even apologetic about waving the stars and stripes.

Walk or drive up and down our streets on July 4th and note the homes that have no flag. It is our nation’s birthday. The most important day for America. Why isn’t the flag flying on every home and on all buildings? Is the complacent attitude evidence of patriotic decay or lack of knowledge?

The flag is a symbol of our national unity. It is the spirit of our devotion to our country. It stands for the best that is in us for loyalty, character and faith in democracy. I believe it is time for us to stop for a moment and think. Return to the spiritual and ethical values that we were raised with.

Let’s start with ourselves. With a so-called “old fashioned” way of patriotism. Should not every home own and proudly display a flag on all holidays?

When you see our flag, think not only of the red, white and blue, but think of George Washington, Paul Revere, Jackson, the Alamo, Corregidor, Pearl Harbor and Patriot day. The great men, women and events of our past are wrapped up in our flag. It is a symbol of this blessed nation. Truly God’s gift to all mankind.

That is what our flag means to me. Can we wave it too much? No, I don’t believe so.

God bless America and keep it flying.


Port Ludlow
