Cosmic energy expands personal consciousness | Stars Above Kitsap

This is a heavy new moon, literally! It sits exactly on the Galactic Center, a black hole that energizes our entire Milky Way through the dynamic, explosive actions of creation and destruction. Its gravitational density holds the Milky Way together and sends energetic, sub-atomic particles throughout space, our charts and our very consciousness!

This is BIG energy – Sagittarian-style. The question is, how are we going to use it?

The new moon (Dec. 17 at 10:30 p.m. PST) hosts a multi-faceted party. Mercury re-trograde makes three passes over the galactic center as we re-view, re-consider and release small-minded beliefs and perceptions.

Venus holds the door wide open for broad-mindedness and world-wide sociability.

The Sun in Sagittarius quests for truth and its ruler Jupiter in Scorpio helps his willingness to release Pollyanna surface views for deeper truths. The Moon in Sagittarius senses that the world is safer when all people are free to pursue their dreams. Uranus cheers for innovative thoughts while Chiron and Neptune rally for empathetic healing around misguided religious thoughts.

Sagittarians are kings of the ivory tower whose ideas can pop and fizzle before translating into the real world. But, reality-based Saturn spent over two years tidying up Sadge’s tendency for high falutin’, excessive action. He’s urged us to get solid education towards future endeavors or exposure to people and issues that make us huddle in smallness.

Whatever you accomplished during this time, you earned it (congrats!) and it comes more into play when Saturn moves into its home sign, Capricorn, (Dec. 21) where rolling up your sleeves and getting to work comes naturally.

The Galactic Center is the Heart of the Universe and Sagittarius points his arrow directly at it. The cosmic winds are with us. Let go of fear-based thoughts, words and deeds and move into an expanded, inclusive, personal world consciousness to fly free on Sadge’s arrow.

No one said peace on earth was easy. Or someone else’s job.

Horoscopes Dec. 17 – Jan. 1

Sagittarius, you worked hard the last few years. Feel how you are facing the world differently and doors are opening as they recognize your solid presence. Self-discovery and new beginnings swing into view. Stay humble and lean into manifesting ideals, leadership and healthy competition.

Capricorn, sitting quietly in the dark winter evenings brings spiritual healing and a new sense of compassion. Much is stirring in your depths and an almost mystical sense of your work ahead takes form. Ambition without ethics and working for the common good is a cold and lonely perch.

Aquarius, birds of a feather flock together. Get with the right group, network with the right people. Broaden your humanitarian vision. This is not a time for thinking or acting small in anyway. But remember humility keeps you from shooting yourself in the foot at work.

Pisces, the sky is the limit. At work ask for what you want – and then some. Get on projects with big missions. Take risks. You’ve gone deep, now fly high and ride that arrow as far as you can go. No sacrifice. If anything, sacrifice ideas about sacrifice and really set yourself free.

Aries, your quest is for a connection with visionary action. Working behind the scenes with partners in joint endeavors keeps your arrow pointed in the right direction. You have a sixth sense about motivations and hidden agendas. Keep your own integrity and ethics high.

Taurus, it’s so easy for you to let go of old baggage now. You have the faith to go where angels fear to tread and when you do, you find friends with common values working on similar goals. Cheer them on and receive their support. Can you say Win-win? It’s a great time for mate-hunting!

Gemini, so, like, how many “best” friends do you have? This may be a time for selective pruning. Here’s the clue – if they aren’t there when you really, really need them, they are acquaintances. Also, too many best friends, and you can’t be there for them. None? What’s that about?

Cancer, pesky health habits. Too much of a good thing can be – excess weight and attendant health issues. If you’ve organized everything around you, yahoo! If not, clean the top layer and drop the rest into a black bag and haul to the curb. You mingle while serving the season in the background.

Leo, this excessive Sadge energy has you all up in a pirouette remembering your solar eclipse in August. It’s all about you right now, and darn, if you aren’t flying high feeling creative, self-expressive, and like playing, having fun and all that jazz. No problem! Go for it!! You ARE a Star!

Virgo, deck the hall and be festive. Party heart-y with your clans and the neighbor’s too. Feel your natural expansion. It’s why you have to-do lists, because at your roots, you are an inclusive, broad-minded human. Do the reel, the clog, the fandango, maybe some Bollywood.

Libra, take the Holidays to your neighborhood. Call on the curmudgeon next door, the teacher, the hairdresser, your barista, the dog-walker, doctor, lawyer, baker and Indian-chef. Take cookies, poinsettas, fudge, small books, candles, whatever. You are the Spirit-of-Christmas in your ‘hood!

Scorpio, even you (perhaps, the curmudgeon next door) is up for the social hubbub. It makes you feel – valuable! Like you can fly with the eagles, like you have something to offer to the vision of the group. Like life isn’t all depth and dark. Ah, yes, the season of light! Look at you all a twinkle.