A revolution fought with pens, email, and media

The North Kitsap Herald editor is exceptional in media today by allowing issue opinions from all sides. The United States is in a revolution, without swords or guns. It is being fought with pens, emails and media, with voters trying to sort out truth.

Trump was neither my first nor second choice, but what I found revealing was a 1988 interview of him by Oprah. She told Trump, “Many people want you to run for President, so are you interested?” His answer was he enjoyed what he was doing, but then detailed his concerns about what was happening to America economically and other ways. He commented that if no one else would step forward to stop America from being disenfranchised economically with other countries, and other strengths, he would run. It shocked me to hear the consistency of those identical words in his candidacy announcement.

Hillary Clinton stated she and Bill were flat broke when they left the White House. Suddenly, the Clintons have accumulated around $111 million. The source seems to be, while Hillary was Secretary of State, money attached to the Clinton Foundation and unbelievably lucrative figures from Bill Clinton’s speeches, many to countries that hate America’s freedoms and human rights. Daughter Chelsea’s email expressed concerns that access and decisions of Hillary’s office could appear tied to those contributions.

Congress subpoenaed Hillary’s emails that were “bleached,” and cell phones destroyed, in direct violation of the subpoena. FBI Director James Comey refuted Hillary’s testimony, yet denied the need for a trial. Research found Comey’s investments involved.

Hillary’s never-ending discrepancies and “can’t recall answers” leave me with no trust in her for President.

Cris Shardelman

